Optimizing Development and Enhancing Flexibility with Feature Flags

We improved application flexibility by introducing Feature Flags, streamlining development and deployment without separate branches.


Software Development


Feature Flags






  • In the early stages of implementation, a hurdle emerged while working on a new customer onboarding process.
  • The team handling this process stored their code in a separate branch, necessitating frequent synchronization with the main branch.
  • This approach resulted in the existence of two code versions, introducing complexities and increasing the workload for our developers.


The adoption of Feature Flags proved to be a game-changer. This mechanism allowed us to activate or deactivate specific sections of code seamlessly without creating separate branches. From a developer's perspective, the integration of Feature Flags provided a significant advantage during testing and development.


By proactively implementing Feature Flags, we enhanced the developers' quality of life and facilitated swift rollbacks of erroneous changes, empowering our business stakeholders. Presently, 14 functionalities are secured with their respective flags, and any new feature introduced follows this approach. Subsequently, the iOS team also adopted this mechanism, further promoting consistency and efficiency across the development process. The successful integration of Feature Flags has set a precedent for our development teams, showcasing the power of adaptability and agility in the ever-evolving landscape of software development.

What Clients says about the project

Client's Experience

For end-users accessing the application from the app store, the activation or deactivation of specific functionalities was managed externally. For instance, the business side of a banking institution could disable a feature instantly if an issue was identified. This not only improved security but also expedited the process of rectifying errors, avoiding the delay associated with updating the app through app stores.

What Cyclad says about the project

Developer's Experience

When running the application for testing purposes, developers could now see a 'Feature Manager' notification on their phones. Upon clicking, they could access a list of flags and toggle them as needed, greatly simplifying the development and testing phases.

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