Novembre – Stanhome

Development of an online quiz to sell Kiotis perfumes on


Web application development, frontend design


Drupal, VueJS


Web application


France, Italy, Spain


  • Designing and developing two visually attractive online quizzes
  • Creating one quiz tailored to resellers and one tailored buyers
  • Making the quizzes available in an existing CMS, used in multiple countries


For an international ecommerce website, called Stanhome, Novembre wanted to create a quiz for perfume resellers to test their knowledge on this topic and another that could match perfumes to the customers’ personality. Once the latter quiz was completed it displayed the ideal fragrance matching their answer. The perfume brand that was promoted was Kiotis. Cyclad built the quizzes from scratch but they had to be integrated into an existing website. Therefore, we created the solution on an existing CMS (Drupal). The UI was built with VueJS.


The resulting web application had various visual elements, worked smoothly, and could easily be translated for multiple markets. Since Cyclad delivered good quality products, both Novembre and their client were happy with the collaboration. It led to several more outsourced projects and an ongoing partnership.

What Clients says about the project

Anne-Laure Jambert

Digital Project Manager, Novembre Creative Business Partner

Thorough project monitoring, great reactivity in terms of deadlines, and teams full of resources, always in solution mode! We have been working with Cyclad for a few years to integrate our graphic sketches on all CMS types and the result always meets our expectations and those of the client!

What Cyclad says about the project

Elise Charruau

Business Development Manager

The main challenge was to integrate our highly visual web app into their existing Drupal CSM but we managed without delays and we’re proud of the end result – both in how it looks and how it functions.

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